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The reasons of the constipation

1, do not go to the bathroom when you have the stool feeling

30 minutes after the breakfast, you slightly have the stool feeling. However, you will be late for work, finally, you decide to give up the defecation.Many OL workers have such experiences. In the end, the stool still stay inside.

Measure, standing the defecation will cause the constipation. If you often stand the stool feeling, after long time, your intestines will be slower and slower.

2, see the newspaper or books when you go to the bathroom

Especially when your stool process is not smooth, seeing the newspaper or books is really comfortable. It may not be known that too long time defecation will cause the unnecessary oppression on anus, gradually the anus health will be destroyed.

Measure, control the defecation time within 3 minutes. If your defecation time is more than 3 minutes, and you use force, it is easy to get the hemorrhoids. And we need to get rid of this idea, when we go to the toilet, we must defecate completely.

3, often wear garment

According to a study, the girls who wear the garment will have less defecation even if they eat the same amount of food. The reason is that the garment will make the parasympathetic nerve dull.

Measure, garment will suppress the defecation activities and parasympathetic nerve, and reduce the secretion of intestines. The food forward force will be weaker, so it is more time-consuming than normal. During the process, it is easy to produce constipation.

4, seldom drink water at ordinary

The constipation patients had better drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Especially in the morning, you has better drink up a cup of warm water to wake up the intestines. 70% of shit is water, adequate water intake can improve the symptoms of constipation. If our body is lack of water, the shit water will be absorbed again by the intestines, the result is that our shit will be drier and drier.

Measure, you should drink more water or green tea. However, if you are the person who hate drinking water, you can have a try on Lida. It is the drug which could help you to improve the trouble of the constipation, and it will increase our metabolism rate and blood circulation.

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