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Don't wait till bedtime for a bath

If the temperature is too high, it will inhibit the secretion of melatonin and affect the quality of your sleep. Therefore, it is never wise to take a hot bath right before you go to bed. It is better to take a shower 90 minutes before going to bed, so by the bedtime, the body temperature is just right down to the most suitable degree for sleep. If you have to take a shower before sleep, compresses your forehead with a towel. This can also help cool you down effectively.

Limit water intake
The body is a balanced system, your kidneys can discharge 800-1000 ml of water per hour. Drinking water more than 1000 ml in 1 hour can lead to hyponatremia.

Don't drink coffee, smoke while being fatigue
Try not to drink coffee or smoke for refreshing while you feel tired, otherwise it will cause irreparable injury to the cardiovascular system. Heart palpitation is one of the serious symptoms. Especially do not drink coffee while smoking when you are fatigue, otherwise the harm will be doubled.

Avoid alcohol during medication
During taking medicine, even if simply cold medicine and vitamin supplements, even if it is just mild wine and champagne. Alcohol can not only affect the efficacies of drugs, but also will aggravate the side effects and cause poisoning.

Clean the face with warm water
Cold water can irritate the pores and cause sudden contraction. The oil and dust cannot be cleaned out, thus leading to acnes. Don't clean the face with water much too hot either, or it can cause wrinkles easily.

Insomnia may because of calcium deficiency
The consequences of calcium deficiency is not only just leg cramps. Insomnia forgetfulness, and daydreaming can all be the by-products of calcium insufficiency. Adequate calcium can inhibit overly excitement of the brain. Calcium deficiency will affect the normal metabolism of brain neurons.

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