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How to add iron

The appearance of anemia

1. Fatigue, easy to feel tired is the most common symptoms of anemia. For the people who has serious anemia, they will appear low thermal.

2. The cardiovascular system, flustered and short breathe after activities, even some appear angina pectoris and heart failure.

3. The nervous system, headache, dizzy, giddy, tinnitus, inattention, insomnia or syncope. Some even have the symptom of fuzzy mind or dementia and others, caused by B12 deficiency anemia, some even have the limb grinding wood and feeling obstacle.

4. The digestion system, appetite loss, abdominal distension, nausea is relatively common, hemolytic anemia patients may have spleen enlargement.

Eat more red meat and slim meat

Liver, pork, beef, clam, pig or duck blood are good source of iron, and they contain high quality protein, which could do a help on the iron absorption.

Eat more high iron vegetables and legumes

At breakfast, we need to eat cereal, peanut, red beans, peas. Those food contain rich iron, which could do a help on producing red blood cells, these food can be cooked together with lean meat, which could increased iron absorption. Also you can eat some Lida when you want to eat junk food, because magic slim diet pill has the effect of controlling the appetite. And it could also increase the metabolism rate and blood circulation.

Vitamin C can promote iron absorption:

Vitamin C can promote the iron absorption. Therefore, vegetarians can eat more rich vitamin C food. Like melon seeds, black sesame, nuts, fractionation, strawberries, etc., a glass of orange juice will increase iron absorption.


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