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Extreme hidden trends in floor exercise

The harder you push, the better the workout, right? Not so fast. Despite the extreme sport like CrossFit's style, insanity and P90X are hot picks stadium audience acclaim at home and exercise, they may not be as safe as you think. As persuasive advertising is (and who is not tempted in thinking get "ripped off" at any age or health status?), Did not show the potential dangers of extreme exercise. this does not mean you have to completely abandon these popular routine, but you should be aware of the risks, and learn to protect their intensive training before the start.

Potential risk

Perhaps the most terrible danger of extreme sports is that it can sometimes lead to a state called rhabdomyolysis, is called "slug" for short. The slug is rare, it can cause serious health problems, and sometimes fatal. When muscle fibers break down and enter the bloodstream occurs slug. These fibers are referred to myoglobin, is recycled to the body, causing kidney damage.

So the type of training required extreme - slug through a number of factors, including injury, statins, amphetamines and severe depletion caused.

ABC News recently interviewed a 29-year-old entrepreneur named Matt Lombardi who is developing slug after his first P90X workout.

"I was so painful I could not lift my arm, and then I found out that my urine was the color of cola," Lombardi said. "After Google search P90X and my symptoms, I immediately make an appointment with a kidney specialist."

Lombardi's experience landed him a five-day hospital stay. Fortunately, he did not leave any permanent damage.

Although not all of the risk is so serious extreme sports, doctors have seen a growing number of exercise-related injuries, because these high-intensity routines go up. Dr. Stephen Fealy, a plastic surgeon, told ABC that he saw at least one patient per week, overworked tendon or muscle sprain.


Despite these risks, high-intensity exercise is not all bad. A number of studies show that it is more effective than moderate-intensity exercise burns calories, and even increase your metabolism after a few hours. In obesity, any technology that helps people stay trim troubled country should not be discounted. After all, maintaining a healthy weight to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

The key is to know your fitness level is not too hard to push. Overworked can send you to a doctor quickly, so when you feel overwhelmed pause, and does not perform, cause pain activity. If you are already a couch potato, in the past decade, do not jump headlong into a new extreme workout routine - start slowly and gradually move on to more difficult scenarios.

As with most things in life, moderation is the key to a healthy exercise routine. Allow adequate rest between training - long muscles need recovery time, anyway - give yourself two days off a week to prevent overtraining. Closer to your fitness exercise patience and common sense, you can easily reduce the risk of extreme sports.

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