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For fat people, you should pay attention to those points on diet

1, Have the ginger diet

First, we can first make honey ginger slice, first prepare 40g of ginger and 100g of honey, wash ginger and cut them into slices, and put them into a bottle and soak them in honey for half a day.

Recipe 1, ginger honey water (42 card)

Put a spoon of honey ginger in the cup, then add 200 ml of hot water.


2, Eat less salt,

In order to avoid edema, we need to control the salt taking. Do you feel that there are too much water in your body. Eating less salt and select seasonal food can help you to expel toxin naturally, and edema will be removed. Even if there are no changes on your weight, you will lose several kg of weight visually.


3, Pay attention to take in vitamin, folic acid and iron.

The women of 25-40 years old should meet the need of vegetables, especially vitamin C and iron. Nowadays, most women did not get enough iron and folic acid. If possible, you can supply it at lunch and supper. Meat, viscera, millet and fennel can meet the needs of 10-18 mg of iron needs. Vitamin B can get from lean meat, fish, liver, whole wheat bread, potatoes, peanuts and other food.


4, Fat people do not eat too much fruits

If you only eat fruits, it is easy to get sugar blood and blood fat disease. Because fruit itself is rich in sugar, if you eat too polysaccharide food with little exercises, it is easy to have the problems of high blood sugar and high blood fat. On this point, fat people, diabetes patients, high blood fat and fatty liver patients, the girls who only eat fruits to reduce weight, as well as pregnant women should pay attention to it. And if you want to get a better toxin expelling effect, you can have a try on Super Slim Diet Pills, which is one of the best weight loss products in the world. You can get a better slimming effect by eating it. Because it can help you increase the metabolism and blood circulation. At the same time, it can help you to control your appetite.

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