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About the smoke ingredients you really know?

      With the increasing popularity of electronic cigarettes, people pay more and more attention to the health problems caused by it. Familiar with electronic cigarette friends all know, is the main component of smoke nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, essence and water, then these components have harm? Today, Tobago will take you to the specific understanding.

      Let's talk about nicotine. It's something that makes people think it's harmful. In fact, nicotine is not just a single dimension, it is more side, many people do not understand. Just think of nicotine have high toxicity, strong permeability, addiction, in fact it is widespread, various plants such as pepper, eggplant, eggplant, tomatoes will contain some nicotine, and tobacco is a kind of plant which.

      In addition, the harm of simple trace nicotine is very limited, the majority of smokers smoking, each time the intake of nicotine is not harmful to the health of the body than coffee, unless it is a few roots. The smoke concentration of electronic cigarettes can be selected by the users themselves, from 1.5mg/ml (a cigarette nicotine concentration of 1/8 (36mg/ml) to 3 times a smoke concentration) are optional. As long as the electronic atomizing core works, the user can keep pumping, but the nicotine content is higher than the traditional cigarette.

      So for people with low self-control, the use of electronic cigarettes is likely to increase personal addiction.

      Second, say propylene glycol! Propylene glycol, in oil is used as the essence of dissolving agent. If the glycerin is too viscous, it will lead to less soluble essence, and propylene glycol is the dissolution medium. However, it is important to note that inhaling a large amount of propylene glycol can cause irritation to the respiratory tract (a bit like the feeling of nicotine hitting the throat). Propyleneglycol as a liquid can volatilize with the respiratory system, and the long-term effects of intermittent stimulation and volatilization are not yet clear in the medical field.

      Third, talk about glycerin. Glycerin is very common in life. From cooking oil in the meat of the fat to make up for cream, and then temporarily add the energy of edible glycerin, almost everywhere in life. However, the electronic cigarette factory threshold is too low, resulting in uneven quality using glycerol. So when the glycerin contains high impurities, these impurities either accumulate on the heating wire to form deposits, or as steam enters the lungs. After entering the lung, it is likely to stimulate the bronchial mucosa, and even stay in the bronchial mucosa.

      A lot of people use electronic smoke, feel itchy throat, there are also reasons.
But if glycerin itself is high enough, it's basically not harmful to healthy people. It should be noted that a large number of glycerol into the body will produce the possibility of elevated blood sugar, so high blood sugar and diabetes people had better not use electronic cigarettes! In addition, the choice of glycerol, we should try to choose a better quality.

      Finally, talk about the essence. Each holder in essence may involve up to several hundred, which contains both the plant extract essence, also contains industrial synthetic fragrances. First of all, plant extracts may be harmful to the flavor of it. Plant extracts as electronic smoke flavor and the biggest risk is that the carbon fiber particles. All plant extracts contain carbon fiber particles, which can only reduce the content of carbon fiber particles, and can not be completely eliminated. It should be pointed out that carbon particles in cigarettes are much higher than those in electronic cigarettes.

      The potential risk of synthetic fragrances lies in the uncertainty in their use and proportions. Organic chemistry is not as accurate as inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry has numerous possibilities of combining in the process of reaction. Who do not know of a synthetic fragrance will produce flavor and another part of the chemical reaction of unknown substances, which will generate other unidentified material cracking unknown substances or hazardous materials in the heating conditions. That's why the smoke can also detect the root causes of all kinds of toxic substances.

      The electronic cigarette ingredients is not clear! Electronic cigarette is a learning, there are a lot of things to learn, in the future article, Tobago will continue to introduce you. Finally, if you want to good and cheap devices, please click http://www.istick.org/.

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