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You Know What Can Play Bring To You ?

Goofing around isn't just for kids.play is very importance to evrybody.Playing can improve your health, happiness, and productivity.
Laughter can bust stress.In one study, some participants watched funny videos, while others sat quietly. Those who watched the videos had better recall (hello, improved memory!) and showed lower levels of cortisol, the hormone connected with stress. Stress can damage your body by causing all kinds of problems including headaches, anxiety, and sleep problems. In other words, the physical and mental benefits of laughter are no joke.
Play can help your brain grow.Even well into adulthood, easy memory games may help stimulate brain growth. Learning new names for colors was linked to increased gray matter in the brain, according to one recent study. Researchers gave participants colored cards with nonsensical names and asked the participants to memorize the new monikers over a span of three days. After the experiment, participants' brains, scanned via MRI, showed the growth of new gray brain matter, an important part of our brain that helps us make decisions and process thoughts.
To play with you friends is very importance,remember!

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