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Derek Meizitang Botanical Slimming weight loss products successfully for 210 pounds

When did you become unhappy with your weight?

I have always been unhappy with my weight. But May of 2007 was when it hit me HARD!!

weight loss success stories What made you decide to lose weight?

I had surgery on the bottom of both my feet and was supposed to be 4-6 weeks out of work. After my first foot healed in less then a month, I decided to move onto the other foot. 6 surgeries and 2 years later, it still wasn't better. Then my fiancee at the time came home and basically said she couldn't handle taking care of me anymore and was leaving. About a month later I went to my physical therapist and he weighted me at 380 and told me because I hadn't used my left foot in over 2 years, if it twisted then I could shatter my whole leg. So he wanted me to go to a gym and start riding a bike. I got a gym membership and haven't looked back.

weight loss success stories What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?

I stopped eating fast food , Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel and drinking soda.

weight loss success stories What was most challenging about losing weight?

Most times I had to stop because my foot was so bad but I would take a break then get back to it.

weight loss success stories How long did it take you to start to see results?

A month or so. I lost like 30 pounds in the first month.

weight loss success stories How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?

1 year.

weight loss success stories How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?

I'm still losing. Cardio and weight training 7 days a week is the key.

weight loss success stories How has your life changed now that you've lost weight?

Women look at me more then ever, which is always a plus :) But I feel better have more energy and focus. All my friends ask me for advise or help if they want to lose weight or things like that.

weight loss success stories How did Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel help you reach your weight loss goals?

The Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel are great because I usually try to find 3 or 4 exercises to do to hit every body part. With the workouts meizitangbotanicalslimmingsoftgel.com has listed, I can go WEEKS and never do the same workout for any specific body part. More exercises you know, the better you can be. No one likes being in a rut and with all the fitness tools Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel has, you can really change it up. They have great information and they even show you how to do everything!

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