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Weight-loss surgery may reverse signs of aging

Headlines blared, “Weight-loss surgery may reverse signs of aging,” and reports about the study suggested such surgery could “turn back the clock” on aging.

While the study — which is the first to look at the impact of surgical weight loss on this 2 Day Diet Japan Lingzhi genetic marker — presents compelling findings, it’s still far from clear what the actual cause of this genetic change was in patients who had gastric bypass surgery and what follow-up studies might reveal about the  2 Day Diet Pills workings of this and other weight-loss surgeries.

The study from Stanford, which involved 51 patients, found a lengthening of telomeres, Two Day Diet  a region at the end of DNA strands. Study author Dr. John Morton compared these telomeres to aglets, the plastic tip that holds the threads at the end of a shoelace together. Past research has linked their shortening with aging.

On Friday, media outlets trumpeted the preliminary  2 Day Diet Slimming results of a study where researchers found a change in a genetic marker associated with aging in patients who underwent bariatric surgery.

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